Keep Calm and Cargo On
When our clients talk about working with us, they’ll tell you how much they appreciate our integrity, responsiveness, and commitment to the latest technology. Because of our reliability, our customers know they can keep calm and cargo on.
Insights & Resources
Logistically speaking, here’s what you need to know.

Making Freight Work from Germany and China to Miami
An Interview with the Procurement and Logistics Management at a US based tool importer that Cargo Brokers works with: Interview Highlights: Cargo...

HTFN Partnership Continues to Result in Business Gains for HTFN Missouri Member
The Missouri HTFN member has utilized the gateway services of the HTFN Miami member, Cargo Brokers (Miami facility), for clearance and handling of...

Cargo Brokers Serves as Shipping Department for a Large US Importer
Cargo Brokers Manages Constant Armada of Containers An Interview with the CFO a Cargo Brokers customer (dual US importer) ...

US Book and Teaching Distributor Ships Products from China through Cargo Brokers
An Interview with the Operations Analyst at this Book importer. Interview Highlights: Established educational publishers need consistent, efficient...
Keep Calm and Let’s GO!


Customs Clearance

Cargo Insurance
Let our experts deal directly with insurers for less hassle and better rates.

—Purchasing and logistics manager for Tool Manufacturer
“If a shipment is hot, I need to convey to our customer what the actual date it will arrive is. I can always trust what Cargo Brokers tells me about timing for when a shipment docks. They have good relationships with truckers. If they tell me a shipment has been released, and they tell me it will be here Tuesday at 8 a.m., it will be here Tuesday at 8 a.m.”
—CFO for Hardware Manufacturer
—Logistics Manager for a US Educational Supplies Importer